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I am a serious researcher, no stylistic frivolities for me

In case any of you were unaware, I am very involved in teaching people, friends, family, random jerks on the internet, as well as very kind people on the internet, and so on, about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most of the conversations I have do not take place on my timeline on Face Book. While sharing/defending my faith on the internet, once or twice, I have had various hate messages sent to me, some of them threatening my life (most of which I do not at all take seriously), and others just plain rude (as if threats against my life weren't an apt enough description for the word or idea of 'rude'). One of you apparently has been disciplined by your local authorities more than once.

'Nuns With Guns', probably one of my most favorite depictions of those who are defenders of the faith.

I want to make a note that I haven’t forgotten to take into consideration some of the amazing and well thought out comments and messages I’ve gotten. So don’t worry to those-who are most undoubtedly critics of the LDS Church-who have sent me some of these thoughtful messages. I haven’t forgotten you and I deeply appreciate some of the love letters sent to me. In fact, I’ve decided to make this blog specifically for you. I also want to note some of my friends and family who really aren’t interested in what I have to say at all in regards to Mormonism. I apologize for filling your Face Book home page with Mormon nonsense that you could really care less about. I try, but it’s hard, so bear with me, to blog about other things that don’t have to do with the happenings in Mormondom. However, I feel very compelled and passionate to blog on Mormon happenings. So please bear with me until I find a new hobby. With that said, I want to share an experience of one of my favorite missionaries who served in Switzerland: I remember tracting out a fellow fairly late one night. We were about to go home, and his wife came to the door, and she was nice enough. We were having a conversation. It was pretty clear that they probably weren't interested; that was fine. And suddenly her husband showed up with a pistol and held it about 4 inches from my nose, and he said, "Do you see that, boys?" And I said, "Yes." And he said, "We don't want you here." And I remember his wife said in German, "Mein Mann ist nicht so begeistert": "My husband isn't all that enthused." I thought, that's putting it mildly. I mean, what a strange comment to make. Of course he's not; he's holding a gun to my face. – Daniel C Peterson, an interview by PBS Frontline.

Daniel C Peterson, probably one of my most favorite authors.




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