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An Activity for All Generations

When I was a young man, I did not take lightly to reading. In fact, one could say that I might of resented such an idea. I would hear these awfully ridiculous stories that describe reading as “an adventure” and how “it helps people learn”. I couldn’t imagine such a thing. I made sure that I would take every opportunity to resist reading. This, to everyone’s surprise, was my working model for many years. Until, one day, I was confronted with some information and was asked what my opinion was on this. I, being much unread and very unfamiliar with the subject, could not participate in the discussion. Instead I just listened and let the discussion continue. I felt left out, out of touch, and beyond all, “stupid”. All of these attributes were not only how I felt at that particular moment, but were probably accurate descriptions of my character. So, I decided to cultivate my new found interest in knowledge and reading. I picked a subject. My subject of choice was history and I fell deeply intertwined with how it so beautifully explains certain aspects of past events that took place in my homeland. I remember reading, for the first time, Gordon Wood’s “The Making of An American Republic”. My mind was filled with new-to-me-knowledge of American history. Suddenly, I knew things that no one else did (in my small perception); things that were simply amazing to me and that lucidly astonished my imagination. Over time, I was able to have sophisticated conversations with other well read professors, and even some well meaningful conversations that I hold very dear to my heart.

Through my journeys and experiences, I found out that the more you know the more doors will open to you. When you stop to think about it, you start to realize how wonderful it is to open up opportunities for yourself by your very own efforts. You realize the beauty behind opportunity, which comes from knowledge, which ultimately comes from reading.

At first, it may seem daunting, and perhaps impossible for an individual to become well informed about a topic or the world that they reside in. To become well informed, especially in this age, seems to be very complex, and takes a great deal of effort to keep up with new information. If at first, you experience trouble with learning and becoming well informed; you might consider finding a reading buddy or some sort of friend to counsel with. This is how I knocked out my first book. It was not only a very liberating feeling, but also a great bonding experience with those whose time I treasure and love. If you are willing to spend half an hour a day reading, you will be pleasantly surprised at what you might learn. Not only this, but your confidence and sense of self respect will increase. Read about a variety of topics. But be sure to include topics such as science, math, and technology. These subjects are all too often over looked. Many people pass off these subjects as futile and make statements such as; “I was never any good at math”, or “science was just never meant for me”. These subjects will be expected in real life situations, especially in such a fast paced society like the one we live in today. But don’t worry if you are one of the people who say you have never been great in math or science. You do not have to read text books to start. A great magazine that I like is Psychology Today and is great for those beginning their informal studies.

Remember that everything builds on basic fundamental foundations. Science is based on basic scientific principals, as well as math. But there are more subjects that are based on basic foundations than just these. Reading, for instance, can be uplifting and helpful, but if you do not know, let’s say, three or four letters in the alphabet, then you will have a difficult time reading many of the publications that are being circulated in the world. Even in sports that relates to martial arts are based on foundational principals.

Religious material, such as the Bible, Qur’an, Torah, The Book of Mormon, and other holy books, shed a great deal of light on certain existing cultures and why there is so much confusion and strife associated with the misconstruing of such books. These used to be used to teach morals and values. The Founding Fathers and subsequent generations understood that spirituality was needed to our grounding as human beings, and it is crucial for readers today to familiarize themselves with the part of humanity that is not just physical nature.

If you have a regular functioning brain-and if you are reading this, then you probably do-there is no need to bend your political or religious theological ideas to meet the opinions of self-proclaimed experts. Years of experience and education matter if you are flying jet planes or performing complicated surgeries, but for something as simple as where to build a school or a bridge could be figured out with some basic wisdom and the ability to execute a plan. Finally, reading for at least thirty minutes a day will not only give you a greater knowledge and sense of stability, but it also shows that you are a responsible citizen who cares and wants to help make the world a better place. The human brain, when fed knowledge that is worth learning, will emulate through your actions. Like-wise, your actions will reflect your thoughts and ideas. Activity: Find a book or a magazine that is worth reading. If it is a book, and you are just beginning to read, try finding something that is about 100-150 pages. If you are more versed in reading, find a longer book that you feel fits your ability but also challengers your mind. If you are looking for a magazine, make sure you understand who the authors are, and what their intent is. Remember, that no author is completely without bias and pure objectivity is impossible to come across. But it is good and fair to find informed sources and form opinions about what you have read. If you are a beginner, then try to come up with ways to make reading more enjoyable. You could use my idea by reading in a group, or you could find inspiration elsewhere. Whatever you do, make sure you do it with the intent to gain knowledge to better yourself and your community.



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