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Perfection Pending...

As I was listening to Bach being played through the beauteous music of the strummed chords on the great classical guitars of old, I decided that this would be my opportunity to do so as well. I grabbed my music and my guitar and took to practicing. I played the guitar for only seconds when I decided that this piece was just too difficult for me and that I should move on to a more easy one. I got on the internet and downloaded the sheet music for Bach's "Bouree in E Minor". Excited and full of inspiration, I returned my guitar, sat me and my music down and began to practice once again. Frustrated once more with the intolerable chords and melody I decided that I would never inspire to be as good as those whom I had listened to on the internet or at the schools. I just wasn't good enough. So the guitar "just wasn't for me" I said to myself in such a discouraging tone. I continued to listen to these men and women execute such attractive chords and rhythms so thoroughly and beautifully. I knew that if I continue with patience and perseverance that I could too play like these great musicians. Luckily, I stuck to this effort and I am grateful that I did for the Lord has truly blessed me. But there is an even greater struggle. One with more dire consequences than that of all others. What is this? It's the struggle of sin and temptation. The struggle that "we aren't good enough." Or perhaps the damning thoughts from the adversary that whispers into our ears "it's too late, you've gone too far." We are all grieved with sin and imperfections. Everyone of us. But thank the Lord, that He was willing to send His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to rescue us from our fallen state. His suffering does not only save those who are pure and good standing before God or those who have never sinned. So who has access to Christ's grace? A great poet once noted that "The very foes who slay thee Have access to thy grace." Is it not a beautiful phrase to hear that even those who killed the Lord Jesus Christ has access to His everlasting atonement? In the Book of Mosiah the Savior is sure to include His atonement with those who are "the very vilest of sinners." What does this mean? Does this mean that we are all permitted to sin in the sight of God and "Joint-heirs with Christ"? (Rom 8:17) I answer nay. Salvation comes to all, but to remain in Heavenly Fathers presence and return to Him John tells us that by revelation from Jesus Christ that "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame". But we acknowledge that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). While acknowledging our imperfections, we still declare and affirm the need to repent and turn unto Christ. The atonement of Jesus Christ teaches us to all be accountable for our own sins. In the Book of Mosiah, the prophet explains that "salvation cometh to none … except it be through repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Mosiah 3:12). Our need to repent is not what gives us salvation. Salvation is given to us only through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What is true repentance?Repentance means a change of mind and heart. We stop doing or participating in things that do not agree with our Heavenly Fathers standard and we start doing things that are right. We have a clean slate and a new attitude towards the will of God. We become a "new creatures'' in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and "born again as we are absorbed by and in the gospel of Jesus Christ." (D&C 42:13). Enos experienced sincere repentance as he tells of his story and of "the wrestle which I had before the God". He was in deep sorrow and despair. His "soul hungered" and he "kneeled down before [his] maker and... cried in mighty prayer and supplication" (Enos 1:3-4). After hours and hours of pray and what probably felt like torment "there came a voice... saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed." After this divine experience he had with the God of Abraham who is my God, your God, and God of all the Earth, he felt that this divine blessing should also be given to his brethren. He decidedly to "pray and labor with all diligence... [because the] desires" he gained by "faith" (Enos 1:12). In the end he was born again. And hopefully one day we might all "rejoice in the day when I mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen." (Enos 1:27) We are not all perfect. But neither does God expect us to although he wants us to be. Through Jesus Christ we may all return to Him. It's not too late to become an excellent guitarist. Please don't let that old serpent tell you so. You can overcome with Christ's help. I know this to be true. I have seen it over and over again in my life. I say these things in Christ's sacred and Holy name. Amen.



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